CMSD’s Deficit Reduction Plan does not continue support for the district’s afterschool programs.


CMSD’s Board of Education must provide the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce a Deficit Reduction Plan for the 2024-25 School Year by the end of February 2024. Clevelanders for Afterschool wants to ensure that CMSD’s afterschool programs remain a priority, as they are critical to the academic and social success of students, as well as the safety of our students and communities.

In the February 13, 2024 Board Working Session, CMSD CEO Dr. Warren Morgan presented the draft deficit reduction plan, which zeroed-out the funding for the districts 93 afterschool programs.

However, the fight is not over! Our coalition has come together to not only advocate for inclusion in CMSD’s budget, but to also stress the importance of these programs to other decision makers to find a permanent funding solution.

Join us in our efforts!


To keep afterschool top of mind for decision makers, join Clevelanders for Afterschool at one of the school board meetings below, and TAKE ACTION TODAY!

Information for ongoing School Board Meetings will be shared soon!